Educators call on Mayor Lightfoot and CPS to adopt CDC health metric, agree to rigorous testing and allow educators to return as they’re vaccinated, among other concerns.
Violence has not produced justice anywhere. We must build a nonviolent movement in the 21st century that advances a multi-racial democracy that has never before existed in the United States.
Over 10,000 CTU members have pledged their opposition to the reopening plan put forward by the mayor and Chicago Public Schools (CPS), citing serious concerns over safety and transparency.
I sincerely plead with my colleagues, to surrender the artificial constructs that measure achievement and greet the children where they are, not where we think they “should be.”
“Students are commanded to vote, but not to judge the fundamental questions of governance not on the ballot — like the legitimacy of the Electoral College”
Trump’s charge that Zinn makes students feel “ashamed” of their history is false. Zinn offers dramatic accounts of Americans resisting oppression, promoting not shame but pride in this ongoing and unfinished struggle for social justice.
Israel lobby groups are once again attempting to manipulate public education in California in order to censor Palestinian and Arab scholarship, under the guise of fighting anti-Semitism.
The Brazilian educator Paulo Freire’s book, first published in English 50 years ago, urges viewing students as interlocutors or partners in the learning process.
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