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Racialized Austerity: The Case of CUNY

Michael Fabricant & Steve Brier Gotham Gazette
Austerity policy-making over the past 50 years has been racialized, withering services in public agencies ranging from K-12 schooling to hospitals to higher education. Matters of race must be made more visible, placed at the center of policy-making.

Media Bits and Bytes - August 25, 2020

The digital divide will deprive poor kids of education in the pandemic; Remembering Lorenzo Milam; The tech cold war with China, and more media and tech reports

The 'Great' Reopening: Setting America’s Schools Up to Fail

Belle Chesler Tom Dispatch
I expect to watch with terror as many of our nation’s schools, woefully unprepared, open in the midst of a pandemic. Exhausted and heartbroken, I will worry nonstop about the students and teachers walking through those doors.

How Trump Politicized Schools Reopening, Regardless of Safety

Diane Ravitch The New York Review of Books
If the Trump administration is willing to spend trillions to bail out corporations, banks, and airlines, why is it not willing to put up the $400-500 billion necessary to ensure the safety of our nation’s schools, children, and educators?

Friday Nite Videos | Aug 7, 2020

U.S. History: John Oliver. Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Rockin' in the Free World. Parodies in the Time of Coronavirus. Cori Bush Wins Missouri Congressional Democratic Primary. Vote Him Away #2 (The Liar Tweets Tonight).

U.S. History: Why the Battle Continues and Why It Matters

John Oliver takes a look at how the history of race in America is taught in schools, how we can make those teachings more accurate, and why it’s in everyone's best interest to understand the most realistic version of the past.

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