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The Speech FDR Would Give

David Dayan The American Prospect
As economic royalists ally with Trump, we have already seen an example of a rhetorical counter that tells it like it is.


Why American Leaders Relish Hot-Dog Diplomacy

Doug Mack Atlas Obscura
When King George visited Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939, the White House lunch included hot dogs. It kickstarted an enduring tactic of American international relations: hot-dog diplomacy. The King asked for seconds, accompanied by beer.

Why is So Little Known About the 1930s Coup Attempt Against FDR?

Sally Denton The Guardian
Business leaders like JP Morgan and Irénée du Pont were accused of plotting to install a fascist dictator. If the plotters had been held accountable in the 1930s, the forces behind the 6 January coup attempt might never have flourished now.

Bringing the Supply Chain Back Home

Robert Kuttner New York Review of Books
Is Biden ready to insist that national economic planning is not just ideologically permissible but urgently necessary?

Actually, Joe Biden Was Elected to Be FDR

Michael Tomasky The New Republic
Abigail Spanberger is wrong: Biden campaigned explicitly by comparing his ideas to the New Deal. That’s what millions of people voted for.

When Democrats Go Small, They Lose Big

John Nichols The Nation
If Democrats allow corporate-aligned “centrists” to downsize the budget plan, abandoning FDR's legacy, they will lose not just the battle but the war.

None Dare Call It “Fascism.” Why Not?

Mark Green Washington Spectator
Calling out fascism after it succeeds would be like finally agreeing to be vaccinated while they’re hooking you up to a ventilator. Say. Its. Name.

Tidbits - Apr. 22, 2021 - Reader Comments: Earth Day; Chauvin conviction, Black Lives Matter; Exterminate All the Brutes; Afghanistan troop withdrawal; Teaching Climate Justice; May Day; zoom events; Job Opening; Call for Creative Activists!

Reader Comments: Earth Day; Chauvin conviction, Black Lives Matter; Exterminate All the Brutes; Afghanistan troop withdrawal; FDR, New Deal; Teaching Climate Justice; May Day; zoom events; Job Opening - Organizing Upgrade; Call for Creative Activists
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