Li Andersson, Chair of the Finnish Left Alliance, and Minister of Education, has promoted polices to invest in teacher training and reduce differences between schools, improve public health, increase parental leave.
All five parties comprising the Finish governing coalition are women and there is near gender parity in parliament. Yet Finland is not a utopia for equality. There is still a wage gap, job segregation and the reality of domestic violence.
To the north, the Barents Sea, an offshoot of the Arctic Ocean, bounds them both. This remote region -- approximately 800 miles from Oslo and 900 miles from Moscow -- has, in recent years, become a vortex of economic and military activity.
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Is eight hours really the ultimate truth? I believe people deserve to spend more time with their families, loved ones, hobbies and other aspects of life, such as culture. This could be the next step for us in working life.
Breaking up big tech; Internet iron curtain; Ditching the social network; Vaccinating against fake news; Big media, little media; Going indie; WhatsApp hacked
Contrary to the myth that socialists have always ignored gender oppression, women’s suffrage was first won by socialist feminists — and working-class revolt.
When masses of workers start to lose their jobs to automation, workers will find it even more difficult to pay for the social insurance that provides them with a safety net.
Therefore says Varoufakis we need another way to protect workers and another way to pay for it.
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