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France’s New Popular Front Has a Plan To Govern

Harrison Stetler Jacobin
France’s snap elections are widely seen as an opportunity for Marine Le Pen’s far right. But the left-wing parties’ Nouveau Front Populaire has a real possibility of stopping her — and it’s laid out a radical program to rebuild France’s democracy.

In France, a Left-Wing Bloc Is Uniting To Stop Macron

An Interview with Manon Aubry by David Broder Jacobin
France’s Greens, Socialists, and Communists have joined a coalition supporting Jean-Luc Mélenchon for prime minister. He has proven that a transformative program is the best way to inspire millions — and to deny Emmanuel Macron a majority in parliament.

In Marseille, the French Left is Finally Uniting

Cole Stangler Jacobin
Divisions on France’s left have helped Macron and le Pen dominate the political terrain. In the country’s second city, grassroots pressure has forced them to put aside differences — ahead of March 2020’s elections, promising a “Marseille Spring.”

What's Next for the French Left?

Cole Stangler The Nation
There is no denying it: The last few months have been disastrous for the French left. As the gospel of neoliberalism goes up in flames across the Channel, French voters have handed over the republic to one of its true believers. These will be trying times for the French working class, and really anyone concerned with the country's collective well-being. Macron's electoral success does not equate with a broad democratic mandate for his policies.

Sunday’s French Election

Richard Greeman The Bullet
Macron is also pledged to another anti-worker ‘reform’: the downgrading of France's wonderful post-WWII Social Security system which includes healthcare, unemployment insurance, retirement, minimum survival income, housing subsidies and welfare for the poor.
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