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Daunte Wright’s Killing Makes the Case for Shrinking Police Budgets

Sonali Kolhatkar Independent Media Institute
How many Black people have to be killed by police before politicians realize that expensive reforms don’t work? Like so many Black Americans, Wright justifiably feared police interactions. The Black fear of police is grounded in provable police bias.

Tidbits - Apr. 8, 2021 - Reader Comments: Policing, George Floyd murder; Amazon workers; Refugees, Displacement Crisis; Puerto Rico; Nazi Germany; China; Elizabeth Davis - Presente!; Labor resources; Constructing a New Social Compact; Zoom events;

Reader Comments: Policing, George Floyd murder; Amazon workers; Refugees, Displacement Crisis; Puerto Rico; Nazi Germany; China; Elizabeth Davis - Presente!; Labor resources; Constructing a New Social Compact; lots of Zoom events;

Remembering George Floyd, the man

Riham Feshir MPRnews
Before he became a symbol in the fight for racial justice, friends say Floyd was a ‘gentle giant’ who sought a fresh start

The Confederacy Finally Stormed the Capitol

Elie Mystal The Nation
President Trump should be impeached, removed from office, and then arrested for inciting his supporters to besiege and invade the US Capitol. Because the rioters were white, they were allowed to walk away. But just imagine if they had been Black.

Ilhan Omar Is Not Here to Put You at Ease

David Marchese New York Times
Few members of Congress have been as much of a political lightning rod during the storm-heavy Trump era as Ilhan Omar. She has become a prominent voice on issues like racial justice and police reform.
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