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The Upstart Union Challenging Starbucks

E. Tammy Kim The New Yorker
Baristas nationwide are remarkably organized. Is the company’s C.E.O., Howard Schultz, using firings, store closures, and legal delays to thwart them?

America’s Drug Wars: Fifty Years of Reinforcing Racism

Alfred McCoy Tomdispatch
It’s time to end the war on drug users — repeal the heavy penalties for possession; pardon the millions of nonviolent offenders; replace mass incarceration with mandatory drug treatment; restore voting rights to convicts and ex-convicts.

How US Foreign Policy Spawned Terror and Trump

Rod Such The Electronic Intifada
book cover The Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump by Max Blumenthal, Verso Books (2019)
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