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Between Accommodation and Abstention: Progressives and the Democratic Party in the General Election and Beyond

Glen Perusek Stansbury Forum
Throughout the twentieth century, liberal wisdom held that "socialism" or a social-democratic political formation could not be viable in America. Future historians may look back at the 2016 Sanders campaign as a great wave that swept away this old wisdom. But that new history will be written only if activists seize the opportunity before us to build, from the enthusiasm and activism of the Sanders campaign, enduring organizations.

Tidbits - July 28, 2016 - Reader Comments: Sanders and the Democrats; #BlackLivesMatter; Trump - Whiff of Fascism; Black Athletes Speak Out; Women's Boat to Gaza; and more...

Reader Comments: Sanders and the Democrats - Inside and Outside; #BlackLivesMatter - Baltimore, Freddie Gray, Police Incitement; Trump - the Myth of Working Class Support, Whiff of Fascism; Turkey and Nuclear Weapons; Black Athletes Speak Out; Zika; Israel; Announcing - Women's Boat to Gaza is Now a Reality; and more...


Tim Kaine Has a Troubling Record on Labor Issues

John Nichols The Nation
“Kaine did meet with union leaders in Madison. But he supported Virginia’s right-to-work laws during his gubernatorial campaign and his four years in office. Even the group that seeks to expand these laws [the National Right to Work Foundation] concedes Kaine did few things that troubled them.”

Clinton Must Go Bold - and Go Left - For VP; Is Clinton a Progressive? Not If She Chooses Tim Kaine

Richard Eskow; Jodi Jacobson
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will announce her vice presidential choice tomorrow, and rumors that she's going with a "safe" pick should worry Democrats. In this political climate, a search for "safety" could put her candidacy in serious danger. The selection of Tim Kaine as vice president would be the first signal that Hillary Clinton intends to seek progressive votes but ignore progressive values and goals, likely at her peril, and ours.

Friday Nite Videos -- July 15, 2016

Why Bernie Waited to Endorse Hillary. Für Elise in Different Tastes. Jim Zogby on Democrats and the Occupation of Palestine. Senator Elizabeth Warren Calls for Action to Root Out Influence of Money in Politics. Where Do Galaxies Come From?

Did Identity Politics Destroy Sanders' Chance of Winning?

Linda Martín Alcoff The Indypendent
A thoughtful and nuanced look at the role identity played in this year's primary contest between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton by a Sanders supporter. Hillary's passionate female (and male feminist) supporters are speaking with sincerity about their hopes for a gender revolution. The reality is that women work for less pay; do more childcare; are often single parents; must weather sexual harassment, abuse, and assault throughout their lives...

What Comes After the Sanders Campaign? - Three Views

Mark Solomon; Joseph M. Schwartz; David L. Wilson Portside
Bernie Sanders delegates and their allies are fighting for a Democratic Party platform that will be able to inspire voters to defeat Donald Trump, and to lay a basis for the political revolution in the years ahead. Here three long-time progressive and socialist activists address the question of what comes next. How do we build and shape a post-election multi-racial politics. Read what Mark Solomon, Joseph Schwartz and David Wilson have to say.
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