It is very important to relay to the younger generation the recent past and history of the country’, Martin insists. During the 2015 International People’s Tribunal on the 1965 events, Martin testified about the crimes against humanity that he saw.
Most Democrats, now looking forward to a Biden presidency and a narrow majority in the next Senate, realize that Republicans can block virtually all Democratic legislation by using the filibuster, and they therefore favor its abolition.
Amy Fetherolf and Beth Allen
CWA Communication Workers of America
We must show Duterte that Americans and the labor movement won’t stand for him and his administration imprisoning and executing trade unionists and activists.”
The complicity of Western governments such as the US, UK and the European Union allows Israel’s “crimes against a captive civilian population” in Gaza to proceed with impunity.
Taken together, or alone, the reasons offered in defense of the bomb do not justify the massacre of civilians. We debase ourselves, and the history of civilization, if we accept that Japanese atrocities warranted an American atrocity in reply.
While he had not been involved in the civil rights movement or any other 1960s-era protest movements, Eurquhart developed sharp political views during his time in the military.
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