Dean Baker, Sarah Karp
Center for Economic and Policy Research
Aspects of the report are disturbing. Over the last year, the black unemployment rate has risen 0.2 percentage points to 6.7 percent and the white unemployment rate has dropped 0.4 percentage point to 3.1 percent. The rise is all among black men.
The highly regarded scholar's latest work tackles the deep roots of white nationalism as it emerged from conflicts surrounding Reconstruction and the failure of post-Civil War governments to stamp down racism and secure genuine emancipation.
Labor Notes is one of the most successful socialist projects in the labor movement in US history. It has trained and connected tens of thousands of union militants throughout the world.
Reader Comments: Medicare for All; Assange- War on the Press; Death Penalty; Green New Deal; Segregation - Planned; Hawaii Statehood; Trump Cuba Policy; Appeasing Hitler; Game of Thrones; Resources: Albert Einstein; Reparations; Kevin Lynch Memorial;
Mark Lopez, Richard Rothstein, YouTooCanWoo
Segregated by Design
Examine the forgotten history of how our federal, state and local governments unconstitutionally segregated every major metropolitan area in America through law and policy.
Humphreys County, Mississippi -- an odd place for the IRS to hunt tax cheats. A rural county in the Mississippi Delta known for catfish farms, more than a third of its mostly African American residents are below the poverty line
While women have challenged patriarchal health policy in a variety of roles, their contributions continue to be limited by problematic gender norms about expertise.
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