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The Problem With Talking About Israeli Apartheid

Amira Hass Haaretz
We should be grateful that the title “apartheid,” to denote the Israeli regime between the river and the sea, is becoming more and more common and legitimate...A dynamic, active and dangerous dimension of it is Jewish settler colonialism.

Israel and Its Allies’ Profit from Oppressing Palestinians

Alys Samson Estapé Transnationl Institute
Israel’s arms and security industry, an intrinsic part of the apartheid also shaping the coercive dimensions of states everywhere, bringing the politics and methodology of occupation to other countries and regimes.

The Palestinian Body Is Whole Once Again

Mahmoud Muna Mondoweiss
Palestinians disconnected from each other have struggled immensely to maintain a national project with clear objectives. Now, struggling together across the entire geography of historic Palestine, the Palestinian body is coming back together.

It Is time For The One State Solution To Go Mainstream

Awad Abdelfattah and Jeff Halper The Electronic Intifada
A people cannot negotiate their fundamental human, national, political and civil rights. The only way out of a colonial situation is through a process of decolonization.
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