Left-wing high schoolers describe how the anti-government protests have provided a window for the mainstreaming of views long deemed illegitimate. Young people are more willing to hear about the occupation, army refusal is growing more widespread.
Reader Comments: GOP War on Women, starting in Texas, Going nationwide; Costs of Post 9/11; Afghan War fallout; Climate Crisis; Jobless Crisis; Nina Turner; Teenage Israeli Conscientious Objectors; Ed Asner; Domestic Workers are Workers; more....
Shahar Perets, who was sentenced to prison for refusing to join the Israeli army, talks about meeting Palestinians for the first time, her visits to the West Bank, and how Israeli society represses the occupation.
Reader Comments: 2020 elections and What Next; Organizing Rural Manufacturing Workers; Honoring Veterans - Ending War; Bolivia; the Yiddish Immigrant Left from Popular Front to Cold War; Resources; Announcements; more....
From anti-occupation activism to anti-capitalist pedagogy, Reuven Kaminer inspired generations of activists to maintain a lifetime of political engagement.
Conscientious objector Hallel Rabin was sentenced to 25 days behind bars for refusing to join the Israeli army over its policies toward the Palestinians. This is Rabin’s third period of incarceration.
They founded anti-occupation movements and fought for the soul of Israeli society, but ultimately decided to emigrate. The new exiles tell Haaretz how they were harassed and silenced, until they had almost no choice but to leave.
Uri Averny, a Holocaust survivor, never gave up on the belief that peace, never stopped organizing for an end to Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.
Standing Together is uniting Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel in a shared struggle for economic and political justice. To create such a coalition requires a meaningful cultural change.
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