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How US Foreign Policy Spawned Terror and Trump

Rod Such The Electronic Intifada
book cover The Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump by Max Blumenthal, Verso Books (2019)

Global Left Midweek - April 17, 2019

Sudan * Algeria * Indonesia * Islam and the Left * Cuba and Venezuela * UK Labour Leader Remembered * Turkey * Auto Strike Wins in Hungary * Showdown for the Amazon * Global Bern

Could Trump Really Launch a War With Iran?

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Of course, if the United States and/or Israel join in, Iran will be hard pressed. But as belligerent as Bolton and the Israeli government are toward Iran, would they initiate or join a war? But we should take neocons like Bolton at their word.

Global Left Midweek - Venezuela Coup Threat

Reports on the threatened coup in Venezuela have mostly overlooked the gross belligerence of the Trump administration. Global Left Midweek brings you news and opinion from the left press, including translations from Spanish by Portside.
Subscribe to John Bolton