History books have called my father an activist, a community organizer, a freedom fighter, among other things. But they don’t use a phrase that my dad has used to describe himself: a war general.
The dominant and distorted scholarship framed Reconstruction as an illegitimate enterprise that failed to sustain multiracial democracy. For much of the 20th century, this bogus history was used to justify denying Black people full citizenship.
Each of the three trials dominating the news this month features armed citizens taking up weapons to travel to public spaces where they believed themselves to be under threat.
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“Fanning the flames of racial animosity lies at the core of Trump’s election strategy, as it did in 2016.” This is why when activists say, “white supremacy is on the ballot” and “anti-Black racism is on the ballot” in 2020, they are dead right.
Many of Trump's critics see fascist tendencies in his rhetoric glorifying violence and disregarding the rule of law, democratic processes, and civil liberties; Trump and his supporters regularly embrace traditions of American fascism themselves.
The supremacists who emerged from the Greensboro trials understood they were free. … Free to work together to stockpile weapons, terrorize neighborhoods and commit violence up to and including murder—so long as their opponents were communists.
A new history of bigoted opposition to immigrants through the manipulation of fake science shows the most vociferous baiters of emigres in the past were among the most privileged U.S. ruling class members.
June marks the 55th anniversary of the Freedom Summer, when more than 700 college students - whose average age was 21 - traveled mostly from the North to Mississippi to work with local Black-led organizations to support their civil rights work.
Skokie and the Nazis - there were massive counter-demonstrations, black and Jewish solidarity, Holocaust survivors who vowed to confront the Nazis in the streets, and a grassroots of proud, leftist Jews.This untold history offers lessons for today.
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