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A Libertarian Fantasy in the Tropics

Bruce Nissen Stansbury Forum
Rightwing libertarians around the world are attempting to erode and virtually erase governmental measures that protect both people and the environment from corporate misconduct and unrestrained capitalism.

Hurricane Milei

Mariano Schuster and Pablo Stefanoni, Nueva Sociedad NACLA Reports
How can we understand the political shift in Argentina that led to an extreme right-wing outsider coming to power? Here are seven key points for unpacking the unprecedented election.

What Argentina’s New Grand Experiment Means to the World

Thom Hartmann The Hartmann Report
Milei's victory is an international marker, of sorts, for America’s billionaires and largest corporations, who share his desire to end liberal democracy and the so-called “welfare state”...

New Study: Militarizing the Police Doesn’t Reduce Crime

Brad Polumbo Foundation for Economic Education
A federal program created by Congress more than 30 years ago transferred 80,000 rifles, 12,000 bayonets, 4,000 combat knives, nearly 500 ‘bomb detonator robots,’ 50 airplanes, ‘night-vision sniper scopes,’ and more to local police.
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