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Women’s Unpaid Labor in Political Economy* Revisited

Carol Hanisch and Kathy Scarbrough Meeting Ground OnLine
cover of Women's Liberation newspaper At a time when women’s crucial and unresolved unpaid labor in the home is largely overshadowed by #MeToo, loss of abortion rights, and an upsurge of violence against women, it is good to be reminded of this core oppression.


Immanuel Wallerstein: An Obituary

Boaventura de Sousa Santos ROAR
Acclaimed Marxist sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein, author of numerous works on capitalism as a world-system, including a sterling four volume study completed in 2011, died on August 31 at the age of 88. A fulsome remembrance appears below.


A World to Win: A Utopian Vision of Communism's Techno-future

Sarah Jaffe Bookforum
Fascism may be resurging, but so is socialism. Yet what would a genuine post-scarcity, egalitarian, democratic, communist society look like? The author thinks he knows, offering tantalizing if evanescent glimpses that tweak the imagination.

Karl Marx Still Tells Us What to Fight For and How

Arnau Barquer Jacobin
The financial crash didn’t kill off neoliberalism — it actually embedded its logic ever deeper in our lives. Marxist geographer David Harvey says the only way to end this system for good is to change how we fight it.


Radical Happiness

Garrett Pierman Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
"The pursuit of happiness," said the writers of the Declaration of Independence, is one of our basic "unalienable rights." What can that possibly mean in contemporary capitalist society? This book inquires into what "happiness" might mean today.


A Marxist guide to crime drama

Sofie Mason Counterfire
At its best, crime drama does not simply try to terrify us with pure unblinking evil but gives us studies of dysfunctional human beings mangled by capitalism, argues Sofie Mason


From Marx to Ecosocialism

Michael Löwy New Politics
A red and green upsurge is challenging capital internationally. The two books under review outline its thinking, chart its course and weigh its prospects.


Class War on New Ground

Barry Eidlin Against the Current
Class struggle still dominates civil society under capitalism. The new terrain explored here, as well as its undoing by working people, lies in capital’s increased capacity to squeeze more work out of every minute of every work day.
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