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AMLO Is Nationalizing Mexico’s Lithium Supply

Kurt Hackbarth Jacobin
Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is attempting to transform the country’s overpriced energy industry by nationalizing lithium — a move essential to kicking out private mining and developing a robust and affordable public energy sector.

Tenochtitlan, the Mexico City Wound That Hasn’t Healed in 500 Years

Eduard Ribas i Admetlla La Prensa Latina
August 13, 1521, the date on which the contingent of Spanish conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes along with thousands of indigenous allies took over the capital of the Mexica or Aztec empire, the most powerful force in Mesoamerica at the time.

The Forgotten History of Mexican American Militancy

Justin Akers Chacón, Arvind Dilawar Jacobin
Too often, the militant, radical history of Mexican American workers is omitted or forgotten. But from resisting racist exclusion to building CIO unions in the 1930s, Mexican American workers have been central to left-wing politics in the U.S.

Mexico’s Left Faces a Tough Road Ahead

Denis Rogatyuk Jacobin
Mexico's midterm elections reflected left-wing president AMLO's high personal approval ratings — but also brought setbacks for his Morena party. For enduring social change, Morena has to build a member-led organization rooted in local communities.
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