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Sanders' and Warren's Small $$ Is Beating Big $$

Thomas Kaplan New York Times
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have each raised over $24 million over the past three months. They’ve both shunned wealthy donors, yet they’re way ahead of everyone else.

Friday Nite Videos | July 26, 2019

Trump Lies About Robert Mueller’s Testimony. Groove In G | Playing for Change. American Swamp | Four-Part Special Series. Student Debt in the U.S. Reaches an All-Time High. Opposition Leader Challenges Boris Johnson.

American Swamp | Four-Part Special Series

NBC News and MSNBC award-winning journalists Katy Tur and Jacob Soboroff are joining forces for a four-part docuseries event, premiering Sunday, July 28, 2019 at 9 p.m. ET on MSNBC. Each hour-long episode follows Tur and Soboroff on an immersive journey as they travel throughout the United States and look at areas of political dysfunction and what can be done to fix the ever-rising waters of the “swamp.”

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