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Fascist Forces are Growing Support in Germany

Victor Grossman Portside
Germany today, the right-wing AfD cries out, sounding like Adolf Hitler: 'Panicked nightmares are increasing in our land, especially unfortunately among blonde women! And this in our own country. It is insufferable!" And they are winning elections!

Israel is Arming Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Asa Winstanley The Electronic Intifada
Ukrainian Nazis group leaders Israeli arms are being sent to a heavily armed neo-Nazi militia in Ukraine, The Electronic Intifada has learned.

Tidbits - August 17, 2017 - Reader Comments: Time to Stop Honoring Traitors Who Fought for Slavery; Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Colin Kaepernick; Growing Up White in America; DSA Convention; Democrats, Single-Payer, future elections; lots of resources; and mor

Reader Comments: Time to Stop Honoring Traitors Who Fought for Slavery - Take Down ALL Symbols of Hate - Sign the petition; Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on Colin Kaepernick; Growing Up White in America - Unlearning the Myth of American Innocence; DSA's Convention - initial reader responses - what do you think?; Will Democrats Support Single-Payer in future elections; The Forgotten World of Communist Bookstores; lots of resources; and more....

White Nationalists Plot Election Day Show of Force; Greenville Church Burning, Vandalism Investigated as Hate Crime

Ben Schreckinger; Brianna Cox; Morgan Howard, Mary Brantley Politico; Atlanta Black Star; Mississippi News Now
White nationalists plot election day show of force - KKK, neo-Nazis and militias plan to monitor urban polling places and suppress the black vote. The Oath Keepers, a group of former law enforcement and military members often showing up in public heavily armed, is advising members to go undercover and conduct 'intelligence-gathering' at polls. The predominantly black Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi was burned "Vote Trump" graffiti was scrawled on it.

How Far Is Europe Swinging to the Right?

Gregor Aisch, Adam Pearce and Bryant Rousseau New York Times
Across Europe, voters are turning to far-right parties, won over by nationalism, anti-immigrant hysteria and failed economic policies of austerity. In Germany, France, Poland, Hungary and Sweden, far right parties have made gains. Left political parties in these countries have not been as successful as those in Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece.

Special to Portside: Austrian Election Report

Stan Nadel Portside
Half the voters in one of the richest and most successful countries in the world, one with one of the highest standards of living and one of the best social welfare systems-universal health insurance and a strong safety net - have turned against the parties that have brought them those benefits - and done so in favor of a far right wing party with Nazi party roots that has built its success on promoting fear of immigrants and possible future economic decline....

The Moment One Woman Stands Up to More Than 300 Nazis and Refuses to Let Them Pass

Sara Malm Daily Mail (UK)
Tess Asplund, 42, stood in the way of the right-wing extremists and silently raised her fist - this brave woman photographer steps out in front of a 300-strong Nazi march in central Sweden. The image of her peaceful protest and stand against racism has gone viral in Scandinavia. This activist is deemed a hero in Sweden for 'iconic' defiant gesture in front of a fascist march.

Germany: What Die Linke Should Do

Bernd Riexinger Jacobin
The German right made stunning gains in this month's regional elections. The Left must rise to the challenge. We spend too much time speaking to people instead of with them, we make too many promises to do something for others instead of inviting them to get active themselves, to fight and organize with us.

Tidbits - April 21, 2016 - Reader Comments: Neo-Nazis in Austria; Response to 21st Century Labor Movement; Bernie, Hillary; Harriet Tubman on $20 Bill; and more...

Reader Comments: Report from Austria - Neo-Nazis Rise Again; Response to 21st Century Labor Movement from Marilyn Albert; Bernie, Hillary - Krugman, Latin American polices promoted by Secy. Clinton; Israeli Conscientious Objector; Jackie Robinson - readers correct the story; This Week in History - Celebrating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Announcement - Jeremy Corbyn and the State of Working Class Politics in Britain - New York - May 26
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