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Steward’s Corner: Sustaining the Organizing Surge

Ellen David Friedman Labor Notes
Worker organizing is on the upswing. Here are some principles for building capacity and bottom-up power—in your union drive and in the ongoing functioning of your union.

Justice for Janitors: A Misunderstood Success

Peter Olney and Rand Wilson The Stansbury Forum
John Sweeney, former AFL-IO President his officers, and their staff came into office with high expectations and great optimism. A good part of their inspiration was drawn from SEIU’s Justice for Janitors campaign that many had directly participated in or saw as a model of success. After all, Justice for Janitors had succeeded in mobilizing members, winning better contracts and organizing thousands of new, mostly Latino members while garnering broad public support.(1)


Organizing Community Unions

Roxanne Dubois
By reaching out to groups of people who have not traditionally been union members, we at Unifor are challenging ourselves, and the labour movement, to include in our fight those who need it the most, and by doing so, to be true to one of the most basic union principles there is. In the union's plea for economic justice, fair labour laws, decreased inequality and more, involving new members in our work can only be an asset.
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