Police Raids | John Oliver
John Oliver explains how raids became a favorite tool of police, how few guardrails there are on their use, and what we should do about that.
You With Us?
Black and Brown voters changed the game in 2020, so lawmakers are trying to change the rules in 2021. This NBA All-Star weekend in Atlanta, we're raising our voices against voter suppression in Georgia, and across the country.
F.T.A. Re-Release | Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland
At the height of the Vietnam War, Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland toured an anti-war comedy show across Southeast Asia. It was a huge success among stationed soldiers. Now re-released in theaters and virtual cinemas March 5.
Invest in Our New York 2021
New York has created new billionaires ... during the pandemic. Those who have profited from the pandemic should pay back.
Dr. Seuss Is Not Cancelled. It's Just Time to Retire Books With Racist Imagery.
By updating the Dr. Seuss book catalog to remove titles with insensitive imagery, the late author's estate has renewed their commitment to making reading fun for ALL people.
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