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The Secret to Saving the Lives of Black Mothers and Babies

Lisa Rab Politico
Studies show that doulas help reduce the rate of caesarean surgeries, which is higher among black women, and other costly interventions. They can even alleviate some socioeconomic factors that contribute to poor maternal health.

Overturning Felony Disenfranchisement in Southern States

Benjamin Barber Facing South
In six Southern states — Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia — more than 7 percent of the adult population is disenfranchised, disproportionately more of minorities and the poor

The Massacre That Spawned the Alt-Right

Shaun Assael and Peter Keating Politico
The supremacists who emerged from the Greensboro trials understood they were free. … Free to work together to stockpile weapons, terrorize neighborhoods and commit violence up to and including murder—so long as their opponents were communists.
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