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How to Turn a Nightmare into a Fairy Tale - 40 Years Later; The Forgotten Power of the Vietnam Protest, 1965-1975

Christian Appy; Tom Hayden
April 30 is the 40th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. The end of that war - a time of devastating defeat for the United States and relief for the Vietnamese - has been rebranded and offers a hint of what may come when our crash-and-burn policy in the Middle East ends. That war had a lasting impact on American foreign policy, culture, and national identity and draws attention to the lessons it offers for today and the many tomorrows to come.

MLK's Call to Honor Peace, Justice and Our Planet Still Challenges Us

Jacqueline Cabasso, Joseph Gerson and Kevin Martin Truthout Op-Ed
Thousands of peace, social justice and environmental activists from around the world will gather in New York City from April 24-26 for the Peace and Planet Mobilization for a Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World - challenges articulated by Dr. Martin Luther King. Peace and Planet convenes prior to the April 27 - May 22 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference at the United Nations, bringing the voice of civil society to the governmental confab.

One Holy Night - The tale of the 1914 Christmas Truce

H Patricia Hynes, Frances Crowe; Jan Barry; John McCutcheon Portside
The tale of the 1914 Christmas Truce survived through the letters and photos of soldiers who, along 600 miles of trenches, suspended war and shared Christmas - with their enemy. The war to end all wars did the opposite, sowing seeds of future ones. Industrial warfare - bombing cities; using chemical poisons; and a punitive peace treaty, with the winners dividing up the empires of the losers - all but guaranteed that future conflicts would be settled by military force.

An Israel Equal for All, Jewish or Not

Patricia Marks Greenfield Washington Post
Israel is out of step with much of the world. Over time, nations have become more ethnically and religiously diverse; populations have become more urban and educated; and economies have become more commercial. In response to these social and economic changes, many nations have left behind the notion of a favored state religion. It is time for Israel to do the same. It must be a fully secular state.

Ceasefires in Which Violations Never Cease - What's Next for Israel, Hamas, and Gaza?

Noam Chomsky TomDispatch
Like other states, Israel pleads "security" as justification for its aggressive and violent actions. But knowledgeable Israelis know better. As historically has often been the case, massive bombings and other assaults do not destroy the support of populations for movements or governments, but tend to solidify it. Israeli policy is reducing civilized life for Palestinians in a major way and yet increasing the urge both to fight on and the desire for revenge.

Call For End to Israeli Aggression Grows

Rebecca Bowe/The Guardian Ilan Lior/Haaretz The Guardian/Haaretz
Protest rallies in Oakland, California and Tel Aviv highlight sharpening demands for an end to Israeli military action against Gaza and for a Palestinian homeland.

New Voices for Peace by Jews in Gaza, and in the Jewish Daily Forward

Julia Chaitin; J.J. Goldberg
Plea for peace from Julia Chaitin, a kibbutzim who teaches in Israel, and lives near Gaza. She and some Israelis are challenging the endless hatred and violence practiced by both sides. She is joined by some Palestinians. Together they care for each other, that there is a way forward around the violence. J.J. Goldberg, writing in the Jewish Daily Forward charges that the Israeli Gaza onslaught is built on lies, and the heavier responsibility lies on Netanyahu government.

New Voices for Peace by Jews in Gaza, and in the Jewish Daily Forward

Julia Chaitin; J.J. Goldberg
Plea for peace from Julia Chaitin, a kibbutzim who teaches in Israel, and lives near Gaza. She and some Israelis are challenging the endless hatred and violence practiced by both sides. She is joined by some Palestinians. Together they care for each other, that there is a way forward around the violence. J.J. Goldberg, writing in the Jewish Daily Forward charges that the Israeli Gaza onslaught is built on lies, and the heavier responsibility lies on Netanyahu government.
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