Before the holiday travel nightmare, attorneys general begged the Transportation Secretary and Congress to crack down. "The Department of Transportation has yet to fine any airline a single dollar!"
It’s well past time to bury the 'Bernie is unelectable' trope. He has a better shot than moderate Bloomberg. His campaign resonates with the growing realization of how unmoored the American capitalist system is from any sense of ethics or morality.
"Anytime the word 'they' is used with workers, it's a sign of union-busters at work. The only pronoun that represents unionism and builds power is we/us."
The possibilities of an “organizer-in-chief.” Sanders is the only presidential candidate who has put forward a genuine Green New Deal, to radically remake the economy to serve ordinary people. One of two cover stories of our dual-sided January issue
Why Billionaires Won’t Save Us. GIULIANI! (Here He Goes Again). Pete Buttigieg and the Republican Lie. Youth Climate Strike Leader Endorses Bernie. Who Is Worse: Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell?
The data "contradicts both the mainstream narrative and some national polling data that suggest that only a centrist Democrat could succeed in this political environment."
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