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Racism Common Factor in Deaths in '95 Chicago Heat Wave, COVID-19

Maudlyne Ihejirika Maudlyne Ihejirika
Dr. Linda Murray, former chief medical officer for Cook County Department of Public Health, was a doctor serving public housing residents when one of the deadliest heat waves in U.S. history hit Chicago. 25 years later, she sees the same root causes.

NBA Players Face the Question: To Boycott or Not to Boycott

Dave Zirin The Nation
A debate heats up among NBA players over whether to return to the court amid nationwide protests against racist violence. Many players feel the issues of racial justice and stopping police violence are pressing, now is not the time for pro basketball

Readers Respond to Portside Posts on Police, Police Unions and the Labor Movement

Mark Allen, Elena Marcheschi; Ethan Young; Steve A Greenfield; Tina Shannon; John Tarleton; David Berger; Bill Moberly; John Meyerson; Gail Joseph: Michael Munk; Saul Schniderman; Bob Feb; Richard J. Lorenz Portside
Recent Portside posts have explored different sides of the repressive role of the police and whether or not police unions as they are constituted should remain within the labor movement. Here Portside readers respond.
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