The police consent decree fails to make amends to African-American young people, who are both most harmed by the department and a driving force in a city on the cusp of a historic change in leadership.
Montréal Urban Left, Eastern Europeans on Venezuela Crisis, France: Police vs. Yellow Vests, Algeria's Mass Protest Movement, El Salvador’s Backslide, Swaziland Youth Congress, Class Struggle in Iran
Access Living’s Coleman says that real change in the police department will require a culture shift. People need to stop “looking at disability as an ‘other’ community, but as a part of our human nature.”
Police departments have been sending their leaders to Israel to learn about the country's counterterrorism strategies since the 1990s. But growing opposition is pushing some to rethink these exchange programs.
The pro-police message of the National Law Enforcement Museum demands a countervailing narrative. Perhaps a second museum is in order — the National Museum on Fighting Police brutality?
We actually found out that our jail not only has a 287(g) program but is a mini detention center almost. There are people being held here for immigration purposes, and some of them are going to be deported directly from the jail.
Reader Comments: 2018 elections - What Next; Proportional Representation; Police Links to White Supremacists; Anti-Gravity; Labor International Solidarity; Private Equity and Workers; Refugee Caravan; New War in Gaza; FREE Film Showings; and more....
According to CNN and one of most widely-used research databases on police criminality, police in the U.S. received 1260 sexual assault charges in a nine-year period, including 405 rapes, 636 acts of sexual fondling and 219 acts of forcible sodomy.
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