The pursuit of political truth is never a one-time arrival point, but rather, something an artist must belabor again and again with each new iteration expanding on the previous and informing the next.
Modern Russian propaganda, much like the modern Russian state, continues to parasitize off of the Soviet Union. Today, it is difficult for political convictions to be born: there is no habit of conscious resistance to the authorities.
In the 1960s, Southern organizations tried sending African Americans to Northern states in a “cheap” PR stunt designed to embarrass and expose Northern liberals. It didn’t work.
The author is strongest when he deals with the government’s direct attempts to influence public opinion through comics either through the Writers’ War Board (WWB) of World War II or the creation of propaganda comics during the early Cold War.
U.S. police departments spend tens of millions of dollars every year to manipulate the news, flooding the discourse with “copaganda.” These aggressive tactics give the public a distorted view of what public safety means, what threatens it, and how to solve it.
The US military is likely hoping, as they did with the original, that “the box office will be a bell ringer” for them, and it will help restore the military’s image, which has been savaged by wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and elsewhere.
White Replacement Theory is a relatively recent label for old fascism. It is a rebranding of the long-standing fascist paranoias and lies about invasion and racial and political replacement.
A propaganda campaign using Russian TicTok influencers features the themes of “Russian Lives Matter,” the Z Dance and Real Women glamorizes the invasion of Ukraine.
Ukraine War Exposes Racial Disparities in Refugee Treatment. Roger Stone Bolts 'Insurrection Headquarters.' The Drug for Conservatives Who Want to Forget They Praised Putin. How Russian State Media Portray the War. Bernie on Putin and the Oligarchs.
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