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D.C. Charter Teachers Seek to Unionize

Rachel M. Cohen American Prospect
Teachers at the Paul Public Charter School in Washington DC are attempting to organize a union. If successful, they’d be the first unionized charter employees in the nation’s capital. Across the country, charter administrators and board members have generally fought union efforts.

Worldwide, School Choice Hasn't Improved Performance

Henry M. Levin; Steve Hinnefeld U.S. News and World Report
The experience of other countries suggests Betsy DeVos' voucher vision falls flat. Research led by an Indiana University professor confirms what school voucher critics have long argued: Voucher programs receive public funding yet discriminate on the basis of religion, disability status, sexual orientation and possibly other factors. Democratic political participation requires access to information, engagement in discourse and electoral activity to be effective.

School Privatizer to Head US Department of Education

Bob Peterson Education International
Trump's choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is perhaps the most extreme of Trump's cabinet nominees. She has spent her entire adult life - and her family's considerable wealth - mounting campaigns to transfer public dollars away from public schools and into private and religious schools.

School Privatizer to Head US Department of Education

Bob Peterson Education in Crisis
While it is doubtful that US President-elect Donald Trump ever read George Orwell's 1984, Trump's cabinet choices appear to come right out of the doublethink that ruled Orwell's dystopian society. In Orwell's book, the Ministry of Plenty rationed essentials while the Ministry of Truth manufactured falsehoods. Trump's choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is perhaps the most extreme of Trump's cabinet nominees.

The Carolina Coup and the Fight for Public Education

Jeff Bryant The Progressive
The lesson for Democrats from the Republican coup in North Carolina is that public education is a cornerstone of our democracy, and closely related to the fight for voting rights, racial justice, and a more equal society.

New Report Underscores Serious “Equity Gaps” in Public Education

Emma Brown Washington Post
Last Tuesday, the U.S. Education Department published its biennial civil rights report on public schools, representing the actual experiences of more than 50 million students in nearly every one of the nation’s 95,000 public schools. The report highlighted rampant absenteeism and stark racial disparities in not only how Black, Latino, and Native American students are disciplined but also in their access to experienced teachers and advanced math and science courses.

School Solutions and Turnarounds

Bobbi Murray & Bill Raden Capital and Main
California has become ground zero for the national battle over charter school expansion. Some of America’s richest individuals and largest foundations are pouring resources into what critics view as the privatization of public education. Based on six months of reporting and interviews with experts, elected officials, educators and advocates on both sides of the debate, “Failing the Test” is a comprehensive portrait of how charter schools are changing public education.

Professor: Why I Am `Incredibly Pessimistic' About the Future of Public Education

Mark Naison The Washington Post - The Answer Sheet
Public schools in recent years have sustained assaults from believers in the privatization of the public education system. The powers that be plan a data-based reinvention of teacher education that will require the closing, or reinvention of colleges of teacher education. If these plans go through, a majority of the nation's teachers and teacher educators could lose their jobs in the next 10 years, replaced by people who will largely be temp workers-making minimum wages

Task Force: Replace Junior College Accreditation Commission

Debra Varnado Capital and Main
Thanks to a sophisticated strategy and tenacious rank-and-file leadership from City College of San Francisco faculty, students and staff as well as their allies, the accreditation system is being challenged to protect public education, teachers, students and workers in California.
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