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The Art of the Green New Deal

Benjamin Y. Fong Jacobin
Jobs to Move America is pioneering an innovative labor strategy that turns public investments in green infrastructure and manufacturing into opportunities for union organizing and better working conditions.

The Case for Free Public Transport

Connor Beaton Monthly Review
The Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) is a proud advocate of a world-class, fare-free public transport system for Scotland.


A Win for Pittsburgh Public Transit

Paul Le Blanc and Jonah McAllister-Erickson The Bullet
PPT's assertion that "public mass transit is part of the infrastructure of any healthy and metropolitan area" made sense not only to the labour movement, but also to significant elements in the business community, gaining support from Democrats, Republicans, independents and Greens, as well as socialists. A wedge was driven into the Republican administration itself, between the secretary of transportation and the extreme right-wing elements.
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