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Academic Journals Are a Lucrative Scam

Arash Abizadeh Guardian
Giant publishers are bleeding universities dry, with profit margins that rival Google’s. So we decided to do something about it. We started our own.


Human Conditions, Early and Otherwise

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
The journal’s intrepid book reviewer surveys a mélange of fall 2021 university and scholarly books on human origins and development, finding some surprising commonality in an otherwise often conflictual field.


The Post-Trump Future of Literature

Viet Thanh Nguyen New York Times
What will writers do when the outrage is over? Will they go back to writing about flowers and moons?

Sci-Hub: What It Is and Why It Matters

Marcus Banks American Libraries Magazine
Elsevier is an academic publishing company based in Amsterdam that annually publishes hundreds of thousands of articles to the tune of $2,000,000,000 in revenue. Meanwhile, The European Union has announced that all scientific papers published there and based on publicly funded research will be freely available beginning in 2020.

Why are Librarians Hesitant to CANCEL ALL THE JOURNALS?

John Dupuis Science Blogs
It’s safe to say that librarians don’t feel they have the power to unilaterally cancel all their institution’s subscriptions without some fearsome retribution either from within the institution itself or from elements of the publishing world.
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