“The Young Lords Organization turned political because we found out that just giving gifts wasn’t going to help our people; we had to deal with the system that was messing them over."
Reader Comments: Police Culture; Woke Origins; Women; Announcements: Mumia Abu-Jamal; New Deal for CUNY; Love Rising Benefit Concert; Reclaiming Water for the Public Good; Centennial Year Celebration of Dr. Antonia Pantoja; Cartoons; more ....
Last Saturday marks the 50th anniversary of the death of baseball superstar Roberto Clemente.The fascinating story of a baseball superstar who is now remembered as much for his off-the-field activism.
Reader Comments: Railroad Workers Deserve Sick Days; More Gun Violence; Jewish Divide Over Netanyahu; Readers Debate Ukraine; Thanksgiving Origins; Afterlife of Paris Commune; Fifty Year Tribute to Juan González; More Announcements; Cartoons;
The only just future for my home is not statehood, but full independence from the United States. But the future of a free Puerto Rico doesn’t need to be utopian, or easy, to be just.
It’s a surreal experience to read a work of fiction that literally takes everything happening in my neighborhood and turns it into a sweeping epic about Zapatista-inspired guerrilla movements fighting for Puerto Rican liberation
Reader Comments: Abortion; Trickle Down Economics; Self-Determination and the War in Ukraine; French Left-Wing Bloc; Kathy Boudin; State of Working America; lots of announcements; more....
There are a lot of root causes to Puerto Rico’s debt. But one overarching part of this narrative is the fact that Puerto Rico has been a colony of the United States since 1898.
“I am very proud. I think it’s a huge step forward ... what this whole production has done is kind of lead by example and I think this is just opening doors, so many doors, for future actors from the Latinx community."
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