The highly regarded scholar's latest work tackles the deep roots of white nationalism as it emerged from conflicts surrounding Reconstruction and the failure of post-Civil War governments to stamp down racism and secure genuine emancipation.
New play, about Reconstruction. This was really a turning point in US history when America almost did the right thing. The South was writing new state constitutions and African Americans were getting elected to local and national offices.
Reader Comments: 2020 Candidates on War and Peace; Joe Biden; Chicago elections; Algeria in Revolt; Socialism in America (Milwaukee); Flint; Long Beach; Resources - Reconstruction, Racism, Immigration; Delegation to Venezuela; more Announcements;...
During Reconstruction, those who had been discarded by Southern society — Blacks, the poor, people with disabilities — gained access to an education and other basic rights they never had before.
Today, nearly every Southern state has preempted local minimum wage increases. These laws have been passed in response to recent efforts by big cities, which include more non-white residents, to increase wages for the lowest paid workers.
Reader Comments: Rage and Resistance to Kavanaugh, Rape, War on Women; Immigrant Children Still Kept, Moved in Dark; Reconstruction; Workers Struggles in Iran; Announcements: Laundry Workers; Broadway Stands Up; Socialism vs. Capitalism; and more...
Du Bois biographer David Levering Lewis delivered a speech during the Du Bois 150th Birthday Celebration. Du Bois at age 95 was more radically unorthodox than virtually any other engaged intellectual of the 20th century. The real problem was really the manipulation of race in the service of wealth.
By 1871, Congress had authorized the bank to provide mortgages and business loans. Such mortgages and loans, however, were usually given to whites, creating a financial paradox -— a bank using the savings and income of black depositors to advance the economic fortunes of whites who had at their disposal mainstream banks that excluded blacks.
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