Sacco and Vanzetti both were executed in the electric chair on August 23, 1927 their convictions upheld by a Massachusetts Supreme Court decision. Their crime; being Italian immigrants who organized for the rights of all.
Trade union activities are seen as suspicious by Turkish authorities. Unionists have been arrested and convicted for participation in unauthorized protests.
Michael Steven Smith’s smart and compelling Lawyers for the Left, and you’ll find yourself plunged into the contradictions and swirling through the vortex where that question—what is the law? — is on everyone’s mind all the time.
The FBI had played its role as the “political police of the national government,” Noam Chomsky wrote and the government maintained to the bitter end that it had a right to undermine an organization just because of its ideas.
France: Unions and Yellow Vests, Senfo Tonkam Speaks, Repression in Russia and China, Mexican Electrical Workers, Canadian Class-Warriors, Students Fight On in Albania
The first targets of attacks were anyone who questioned the killings in the drug war. The second targets were journalists. The third were perceived critics of the government. And, you know, it happened so quickly that we did not understand...
Police assaulted union members before arresting the president and general secretary of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions. Unionists have accused current President Mnangagwa of trying to implement neoliberal policies in favour of big business.
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