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Tidbits - June 28, 2018 - Reader Comments: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez victory; Trump 'Katrina Moment'; ICE Raids; Nebraska Farmers Return Land in Path of Keystone XL Pipeline; Resources: #NoMuslimBan; Haymarket Books Summer Sale; and more...

Reader Comments: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' amazing victory!; Trump 'Katrina Moment'; ICE Raids and Response; Nebraska Farmers Return "Trail of Tears" Land to Ponca Indians; Resources: #NoMuslimBan; Haymarket Books Summer Sale - 50% Off; and more...

Tidbits - June 21, 2018 - Reader Comments: Trump's Kidnapping and Resistance; Albert Einstein and Racism; Nicaragua and the Left; Study Medicine in Cuba; First Black-Led Union; How Christians Destroyed the Ancient World; Barbara Hillman; and more

Reader Comments: Trump's Kidnapping, Concentration Camps and Resistance; Albert Einstein and Racism; Nicaragua and the Left; Study Medicine in Cuba; First Black-Led Union; How Christians Destroyed the Ancient World; Barbara Hillman; and more

Tidbits - May 24, 2018 - Reader Comments: Thoughts and Prayers Don't Work; Kelly Clarkson Speaks Out; Working Families Party; PA Machine Candidates Defeated; Mideast War Danger; Junot Diaz; Palestine; Mapping The Resistance; more...

Reader Comments: Thoughts and Prayers Don't Work; Kelly Clarkson Speaks Out; Junot Diaz, Working Families Party; PA Machine Candidates Defeated; Mideast War Danger; Korean War History; Palestine; Mapping The Resistance: Insurgence and Polarization; Memorial Day, more...

What Gives Me Hope About This 'Enough Is Enough' Movement

Harry Targ Diary of a Heartland Radical
I have had bursts of enthusiasm before when women marched for their rights, masses mobilized against war, and many stepped up to say no to police violence and mass incarceration, I was touched emotionally even more this time around, by several features of this new movement.

Middle America Reboots Democracy

Lara Putnam and Theda Skocpol Democracy - A Journal of Ideas
We spent months talking with anti-Trump forces-they're not who pundits say they are. Tens of thousands of women, mostly mothers and grandmothers ranging in age from their 30s to 70s, are fueling an American political transformation that most media outlets are systematically missing, or misreading.

A Pledge to Transform the Resistance, and America

Richard Eskow Our Future
A popular narrative today is that we live in a country which is deeply divided. And the Democratic Party, we are told, is nearly as split as the nation itself. But chatter in the press and social media may overlook some fundamental points of agreement about changes we need to make in our economy. That’s the premise behind a new pledge, the “Agenda for Good Jobs, Sustainable Prosperity, and Economic Justice,” that has been signed by more than 70 prominent progressives.

Thank You Portside readers

We Portside moderators send you our heartfelt thanks for responding generously to our annual appeal. You are one of more than  400 people who contributed $27,000+. We don't do a lot of fundraising - just this once-a-year request - so your response to this appeal is our life blood. It not only supports us financially, but energizes us to continue to bring you critical reporting, analysis and discussion from a left perspective across the country and around the globe.
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