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Ground Down by the Wydown: Baristas Fired Days Before Union Election

Gabby C and Sam G Washington Socialist
When workers begin the battle to unionize, they are making a tremendous choice about their lives. This decision is never made lightly; oftentimes they struggle against apathy, false promises from management, and the very real threats of dismissal.

Why Are So Many Young People Joining Labor Unions?

Paige Oamek The Nation
For May Day, we talked to young workers—in tech, retail, food service, and more—about what brought them to the labor movement. Those under 35 overwhelmingly approve of organized labor—77 percent.


Dollar General Workers Refuse To Be Silenced

Mike Kuhlenbeck The Progressive
Dollar General is one of the lowest-paying major retail chains, with average wages barely above the $7.25 federal minimum. Low pay is made worse by the lack of hours allotted to workers. In response workers are starting to organize.
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