Reader Comments: Today's McCarthyism in the House; Why Nurses Strike; New York's Dems and Progressives; How Finland Is Teaching a Generation to Spot Misinformation; Rosa Luxemburg On Revolution; Ukraine Solidarity Network; Cartoons; more...
The author revisits his newly expanded influential work ‘Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination,’ and talks solidarity, reciprocity, and expansive visions of emancipation.
Sevgi Doğan
Marx & Philosophy Review of Books Reviews
The first of three volumes of the Complete Works covering Luxemburg’s life and work . Spanning from 1897 to 1905, it contains speeches, articles, and essays on the strikes, protests, and political debates culminating in the 1905 Russian Revolution.
Eric Hobsbawm, among the most pre-eminent and valued Marxist historians of the late twentieth century, frequently reviewed for the London Review of Books. Here, a prominent British author does a dig into some of Hobsbawm’s many signal LRB essays.
A defender of the Bolshevik revolution and a decades-long critic of Stalinism, Serge in his final notebook details the fight against fascism, capital and the Soviet bureaucracy by a not uncritical intimate of Trotsky who remained a lifelong Marxist.
A look back on the key revolutionary more frequently worshiped on the left than read, Ali's Lenin biography includes his last years' observation that "we knew nothing," insisting that the revolution had to be renewed lest it wither and die.
Reviewing a volume that amply clarifies the legacy of martyred Pan African historian and militant Walter Rodney, the Guyanese intellectual who emerged as one of the leading thinkers and activists of the anticolonial revolution.
Noel Ignatiev, a provocative scholar who argued that the idea of a white race is a false construct that society would be better off without, died Saturday in Tucson. His best-known book, “How the Irish Became White,” was influential and controversial
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