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Friday Nite Videos | March 23, 2018

Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower: 'We Spent $1M Harvesting Millions of Facebook Profiles'. Hallelujah Parody - Letter to Wayne LaPierre and the NRA. Robert Mueller Is Following the Middle East Money. What 1,600 Students Think About School Shootings. New Scandal Shows Zuckerberg Still Puts Kremlin

Friday Nite Videos | March 9, 2018

Why Robert Mueller Is Saving Trump Aide Roger Stone for Last. Oscar Brown Jr. | The Snake. Get Me Roger Stone | Documentary. John Oliver | NRA TV. Trump's White House Has 'No Chaos.'

'Dossier' Testimony Leaves Breadcrumb Trail for Mueller

Natasha Bertrand Business Insider
Donald Trump at MLK Day event Glenn Simpson gave Congress investigators pointed answers about Russian money laundering, organized crime, and whether Trump could be susceptible to blackmail. The result is a long trail of breadcrumbs for investigators probing Trump's relationship with Russia.

Friday Nite Videos | December 1, 2017

Why Did Donald Trump Ignore Warnings About Michael Flynn? Mudbound | Movie. Everything Goes Back to Trump. Residente on Race and Trump's America. Are University Admissions Biased?

Flynn's Guilty Plea: Just How Bad for Trump?

Michael Isikoff Yahoo News
Flynn’s guilty plea and his decision to cooperate is the most ominous development yet in an investigation that the president has repeatedly sought to shut down and which continues to cast a cloud over his administration.

Donald Trump's Rage Against 'Idiot' Sessions

The New York Times reports that President Trump wanted to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions after hearing of Mueller's appointment as Special Counsel. Ari Melber breaks it down.

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