Brie Shea & Imani Gandy; and Caitlin O'Kane
States are clamoring to pass unconstitutional pre-viability abortion bans in the hopes that the Supreme Court’s conservative majority will kill Roe v. Wade. Since this was written new bills have passed in Alabama, Georgia, Missouri and Louisiana.
Reader Comments: Impeachment; Abortions; Medicare for All; NY Farm Workers Win Right to Organize; Pardoning War Criminals; Bolivia; Germany and BDS; Toronto General Strike; East Side Freedom Library; Reality Winner; Faith Leaders Call To Action; more
Over the years, the team, made up of 20 to 30 women, in Chicago, at any given time, ended up facilitating at least 11,000 abortions before Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973 and made abortion a constitutional right. We're now facing an assault on women.
We need an energetic movement that will fight for abortion without reservation. And that means reclaiming its radical roots—and reclaiming it from big national organizations, including the Democratic Party.
Reader Comments: 2018 Elections, Winning Red States, Socialism and Liberal Politics; Space Force?; Asbestos: Killer Embraced by Trump; Announcements M4BL Author's Webinar; Defeat Kavanaugh Rallies; Socialists and the 2018 Elections Webinar; more...
If the Roe v. Wade decision were overturned – reducing or completely eradicating women’s control over their reproductive lives – would the average age at marriage, the educational attainment level and the labor force participation of women decrease?
Regardless of his motives, Kennedy will be responsible for allowing Trump to name a replacement who, along with the other right-wingers on the court, will further erode American democracy.
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