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What to Make of Bill Barr’s Letter

Mikhaila Fogel, Quinta Jurecic, Susan Hennessey, Matthew Kahn, Benjamin Wittes Lawfare
That Mueller was able to document his findings in a fashion that can allow for transparency and, if necessary, accountability, is of immense value. The question of what to do with the record Mueller has compiled will ultimately fall to Congress

Nuclear Powers Need to Disarm Before It’s Too Late

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
The U.S. has pulled out of a major arms agreement with Russia, and the Trump administration wants to bump the budget for the modernization of nuclear weapons by nearly 9 percent. The nuclear powers should observe the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Michael Cohen Implicated Trump in at Least 11 Different Felonies

Greg Walters Vice News
From potential involvement in a grand Russia conspiracy to pilfering money from his own charitable foundation, here’s an incomplete list of the criminal activity Trump’s former personal attorney dropped at the feet of the president

Global Left Midweek - February 27, 2019

Uruguayan Unions Against Venezuela Invasion, Russian Left, Indigenous in French Guiana, Tribute to a Comrade, Kurds in Turkey, Greece Today, More on Haiti, Farmers Face Down India's Rulers

Private Mossad for Hire

Adam Entous & Ronan Farrow The New Yorker
Inside an effort to influence American elections, starting with one small-town race.
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