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San Francisco Teachers Elect Reformers to Lead Union

Cynthia Lasden and Tom Edminster Labor Notes
In an upset victory, San Francisco educators have elected a new union president who promises to empower members, take on standardized testing, and back struggles for affordable housing.


Long-time UNITE HERE Local 2 President Mike Casey Stepping Down

Marc Norton and Jeff Myers San Francisco Bay View
Mike Casey, who has led San Francisco’s UNITE HERE Local 2 for over 20 years, is stepping down. Casey was first elected president of Local 2 in 1994, after a tumultuous period in the 1970s and 1980s that resulted in large membership losses. He has presided over a period of stabilization, consolidation and growth. Local 2, once known as the Culinary Union for its many restaurant contracts that have long since disappeared, is now better known as the Hotel Union.


San Francisco Passes First-Ever Retail Worker 'Bill of Rights'

Claire Zillman Fortune
Just in time for Black Friday and the holiday shopping season, the measure —aimed at giving retail staffers more predictable schedules and access to extra hours —will make the worker-friendly city even friendlier.


Bay Area Victories For Living Wage

Seth Sandronsky Talking Union
San Francisco voters approved Proposition J. This will increase the minimum wage to $15 by July 2018.

Boom & Bust in the City of Gold - Living & Leaving San Francisco

Carl Finamore Portside
The dramatic changes in the economic and social landscape of San Francisco has not gone unnoticed by some city officials, especially when confronted with continuing community pressure such as a the very lively and youthful Oct. 4 march through the Mission demanding an end to evictions.


Fast-Food Workers Set to Strike over Wages

Joe Garofoli
Low-income workers from 150 U.S. cities and 33 countries in protests on Thursday to call attention to wealth inequality.The protest comes amid a national push to raise the minimum wage - and it could mark a significant moment in the campaign, according to John Logan, a professor of labor and employment studies at San Francisco State University.

Media Bits & Bytes - Sorry, Wrong Number Edition

Judge Declares Phone Spying a No-No; Internet of Things Coming Up Fast; Many "Things" Are Already Plugged In; Social Media Becomes a Trusted News Source; San Francisco Gets Free WiFi

Media Bits & Bytes - Bay Area Blues edition

Hail & Farewell Andre Schiffrin; Silicon Valley Warping San Francisco; Oakland Building Big Brother; Ebooks Challenge Academic Presses; NSA Drops 50,000 `Sleeper Cells' in Computer Networks Worldwide; New Site to Seek Funding from the Masses for Investigating Reporting
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