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Protesting Twitter

Vikas Bajaj New York Times
Although Twitter’s founders, investors and employees deserve to be rewarded for their ingenuity and hard work, the company’s public offering provides an opportunity to take stock of the growing disparities and misplaced priorities in the home of the nation’s celebrated technology industry.


Judge Grants Bay Area Transit Strike Reprieve

By Sudhin Thanawala The Sacramento Bee
Negotiations between BART and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1555 and Service Employees International Union Local 1021 began months ago, but the two sides remained tens of millions of dollars apart on wages, pensions and health care benefits last week.


University of California Hospital Workers Strike Today, Demand Safer Staffing, Pensions

Samantha Winslow Labor Notes
The UC health-care system boasts nearly $7 billion in operating revenue, but management wants to create a two-tier pension system for workers, while executives get yearly pension payouts of as much as $300,000. The union is demanding stronger protection against subcontracting. Workers also want more of a voice in staffing and patient care matters.
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