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Scranton Teachers Will Go on Strike

Diane Ravitch Diane Ravitch's blog
The Scranton Federation of Teachers, representing more than 800 teachers and paraprofessionals, announced today that it will set up picket lines and go on strike at 12:01 a.m., Nov. 3. The union has been working under a contract that expired in 2017

The Power of Music and Art

Karl Paulnack Eastman School of Music
Music has a way of finding the big, invisible moving pieces inside our hearts and souls and helping us figure out the position of things inside us. Let me give you some examples of how this works.

Outlawing the Truth

Adam Sanchez The Progressive
Three things that could become illegal in my Philadelphia classroom if Pennsylvania House Bill 1532 becomes law: analyzing the original text of the U.S. Constitution, reading Martin Luther King Jr.’s writing, and discussing inequitable school funding

How to Raise Kids Who Won’t Be Racist

Melinda Wenner Moyer New York Times
If race is largely a social construct, then teaching children about it will only perpetuate racism — right? Wrong: Studies show precisely the opposite.

Living in Pandemic Purgatory, Up Close and Personal

Belle Chesler Tom Dispatch
A world unraveling amid smoke and death and how one teacher and her students dealt with it. The pandemic served as a stark reminder of at least two things: that the nuclear family is not enough and that schools can’t be its sole safety net.

What Shall We Do About the Children After the Pandemic

Teresa Thayer Snyder Diane Ravitch's blog
I sincerely plead with my colleagues, to surrender the artificial constructs that measure achievement and greet the children where they are, not where we think they “should be.”
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