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Letter to "The Nation" from a Young Radical

Bhaskar Sunkara The Nation
Liberalism—including much of what’s published in this magazine—seems well-intentioned but inadequate. The solution lies in the re-emergence of American radicalism.

Tidbits - May 23, 2013

Reader Comments on Matt Taibbi: Everything Is Rigged; Chiefs Declare Keystone XL Invalid; Rape in the Military; Islamophobia; Real IRS Scandal; Kissinger; Viet Nam War; Cambodia; Marx Banned in Hungary; Announcements: Black Talkies On Parade Film Series - Los Angeles - May 25; The Future of the Left - A Conversation on Socialist Unity - New York - June 5 - event moved to larger location

Tidbits - May 16, 2013

Reader's Comments - Assata Shakur, Israel, Korea, Thoreau's Radicalism, Thoreau's Plea for John Brown, Cuba, Benghazi, Spanish town solves unemployment, Viet Nam, more. Announcements - Conference on the Veterans' Peace Movement - New York - May 18; Greek American Radicals - screening - New York - May 25; Radical Teacher on line; Symphony for Palestine; The Future of the Left - Conversation on Socialist Unity - New York - June 5; NY Times full page ad to close Guantanamo

Will Cuba's Economic Reforms Succeed?

Omar Everleny Pérez Americas Quarterly
At the core of the reforms is an acknowledgement by the Cuban state that it must relinquish control over those activities and sectors, such as retail, that do not serve it strategically and that it believes have the capacity to absorb the growing labor force in coming years. If these conditions are established, non-state employment will meet its expected contribution to the economy, above all in terms of job creation and the production of goods and services.

Socialist Discussion - Visions of a New World - Bill Fletcher reviews Gar Alperovitz

Bill Fletcher, Jr. Jacobin
The struggle for structural reforms is essential to changing the "common sense" of the US political arena. But it is not enough to wound the rabid beast; one must ultimately bring it down. Alperovitz's views are shaped by several assumptions. First, actually existing capitalism is not working. Second, socialism, as we have known it, did not work. Third, people need to actually see what an alternative world would look like in order to be encouraged to fight for one.

Media Bits and Bytes - What You Don’t Know edition

Published by Portside
Google says the FBI is secretly spying on some of its customers; Journalists in the service of Pete Peterson; "Actipedia" Crowdsourcing platform goes public; Digital Elite flirts with Socialism (and Nixon) at TED; Commotion wireless: free and open way to network; Moving from an age of Internet scarcity to abundance; Apps are creating new jobs, but also adding to unemployment; Meet the new mobile workers; Quantum Computing moves forward...
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