Over decades, a boutique of consultants, industrial psychologists, and specialist lawyers--spending an estimated $340 million a year--has played a significant role in subduing the labor movement, and has helped keep U.S. unions pinned down to this day.
Federal lawmakers failed to increase the minimum wage, but US workers made other gains, and they are setting their sights on new goals. But across the country, states and companies have raised wages in the wake of Fight for $15’s efforts.
Starbucks has undertaken an unceasing union-busting campaign since the first cafe unionized a year ago. But if the 114 cafes that saw baristas go on strike yesterday for its annual Red Cup Day are any indication, the company won’t be victorious any time soon.
With bargaining organized and led by workers, Starbucks Workers United’s proposals often focus on specific changes to systems that workers interact with all day, every day.
Aided by a historically tight labor market and a supportive president and National Labor Relations Board, unionized workers have been able to use their newfound leverage to win demands that forward their agenda.
Reader Comments: Kidnapping Immigrants; Railroad Workers and Railroad Profits; Religion; Ukraine War; Sweden; My Revolutionary Inspiration, Barbara Ehrenreich; New Book: Frank Emspak, Troublemaker; The Worker-Led Upsurge: Amazon and Starbucks; more
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