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Making Sense of U.S. Moves in the Middle East

Rebecca Gordon Tom Dispatch
There is a new ménage-à-quatre in the region, bringing Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the United States ever closer. unexpected fifth player lurking in the shadows: Russia.

Rojava, a Socialist-Feminist Bastion in Syria, is Under Siege

Meredith Tax The Indypendent
In the middle of a war zone, despite constant attack and a Turkish and Iraqi-Kurdish economic blockade which has cut off access to sufficient food, medical supplies, and electricity, the four million people of Rojava are trying to build a new kind of feminist democratic politics.

Amid Missiles and Bombs in Damascus

Jeff Klein Consortium News
walls painted with bombs in Syria Not so far back, those who opposed the Iraq War were smeared as supporters of Saddam Hussein, a charge that honest anti-war activists easily dismissed. Defending Syria from foreign aggression and advocating the right of Syrians to choose their own future apparently makes one an “Assad apologist"...

Mercenary Being Considered to Build Trump's Army for Syria

Ben Norton/Media Benjamin The Real News
Trump is asking Middle Eastern governments to build a military force to replace US troops in northeast Syria, and notorious war profiteer Erik Prince has been contacted for help. Medea Benjamin says the plan is scandalous.

Defending Afrin

Rosa Burç Kerem Schamberger Jacobin
Turkey's war on Afrin is an attack not only on Kurdish self-determination, but on democracy and women's liberation in the Middle East.

Tidbits - September 14, 2017 - Reader Comments: Environmental Racism; Puerto Rico; DREAMers; What to Do When White Supremacists March; Support NFL Players; Hillary Book Debate; Myanmar; Vietnam; Life After the Soviet Union; Austria Update; Announcements;

Reader Comments: Environmental Racism; Puerto Rico Hit by Irma, Hedge Funds; Defend DREAMers; What to Do When White Supremacists March; Support NFL Players Who Kneel; Hillary Book Debate; Myanmar; Vietnam; Life After the Soviet Union; Maine Indian children; Austrian Political Update; Syria to Buy Iranian Power Generators for Aleppo; Announcements; and more...

The Tortured Politics Behind the Persian Gulf Crisis

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Saudi Arabia's puzzling effort to blacklist its tiny neighbor Qatar begs the question of who's really isolated in the Gulf. The attack on Qatar is part of Saudi Arabia’s aggressive new foreign policy that is being led by Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman. As Saudi Arabia’s “monarch in waiting,” Mohammed has launched a disastrous war in Yemen that’s killed more than 10,000 civilians and sparked a country-wide cholera epidemic there.
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