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Campaigns, Inc.

Alan Bresloff Around the Town Chicago
Based on the true story of Leone Baxter and Clem Whitaker, who formed the first political consulting firm in U.S. history, "Campaigns, Inc." is a hysterical and jaw-dropping inside look at the underbelly of politics through the lens of two of the undeniable founders of “fake news.

Friday Nite Videos | April 22, 2022

Chris Smalls: The Man Who Took on Amazon and Won. Gimme Shelter | Playing for Change Band. Michigan Lawmaker Says, ‘We Will Not Let Hate Win.’ Fiddler's Journey to the Big Screen | Documentary. Astrophysicist Breaks Down the Origins of Life.

Fiddler's Journey to the Big Screen | Documentary

Narrated by Jeff Goldblum, Fiddler's Journey to the Big Screen captures the humor and drama of director Norman Jewison's quest to recreate the lost world of Jewish life in Tsarist Russia and re-envision the beloved stage hit as a wide-screen epic. In theaters.

We Are Long Overdue for a Paul Robeson Revival

Peter Dreier Los Angeles Review of Books
In the 1970s, Robeson’s admirers — boosted by the upsurge of black studies and black cultural projects, the waning of the Cold War — began to rehabilitate his reputation with various tributes, documentary films, books, concerts, exhibits, and a play

Friday Nite Videos | October 29, 2021

Katie Porter Slams Oil Execs. Get Up Stand Up! The Bob Marley Musical Cast Perform. The Hypocrisy of Bailouts | Jon Stewart. The Civil War | Trailer. The Devil (Jason Sudeikis) Stops by Weekend Update.
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