The time for political games, half-measures, and brinkmanship has long passed. Without significant and sustained congressional action, 30 million to 40 million renters are at risk of being evicted by the end of the year.
“Fanning the flames of racial animosity lies at the core of Trump’s election strategy, as it did in 2016.” This is why when activists say, “white supremacy is on the ballot” and “anti-Black racism is on the ballot” in 2020, they are dead right.
At a time of pandemic-related crises all throughout our society, the crisis in childcare is particularly brutal. There’s only one solution: free public early childhood education for all.
The more U.S. movements are infused with internationalism, the more we contribute to getting Washington’s bloody hands out of other countries. That bolsters the capacity of people in other lands to improve their lives and fight our common enemy.
If the Trump administration is willing to spend trillions to bail out corporations, banks, and airlines, why is it not willing to put up the $400-500 billion necessary to ensure the safety of our nation’s schools, children, and educators?
Reader Comments: Defeat Trump, Defeat His Base, Elect Progressives; Kamala Harris and another VP candidate - Charlotta Bass; COVID; Danger - October Surprise with Iran or China; Matt Herron - R.I.P.; Republican Voters Against Trump; Announcements
Reader Comments: Jared in Charge; Medicare for All; Portland and New York = Erosion of Constitutional Rights; John Lewis; Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Filibuster; Paul Robeson; Take Action - Defend the Census and Post Office; Announcements; more....
Japanese media reported 100 cases of COVID-19 among U.S. military personnel following “reports of troops taking part in parties in downtown areas and beaches around July 4 to celebrate Independence Day.”
Students tend to measure fair compensation on two scales. How many years of training and/or dollars of tuition did a worker have to invest to become “qualified” for the job? And how important is that worker’s labor to the rest of society?
Protesters in Portland facing federal charges are barred from going to “public gatherings” as a condition of release from jail — a tactic one expert described as “sort of hilariously unconstitutional.”
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