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First Farmworker Union Forms in New York State

Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio The Counter
Farmworkers fought for years to have the legal power to unionize in New York State. Finally, in 2019, the state passed the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act, which gave agricultural and farm workers the right to collectively bargain.

Tidbits - Apr. 9, 2020 - Reader Comments: Right to Vote or Die; COVID Makes Clear, Healthcare is Human Right; Coronavirus and African Americans, Attacks on Asian Americans, New York City, Farmworkers, Climate Crisis; Paul Robeson; Resources, more...

Reader Comments: The Right to Vote...or Die; COVID Makes Clear, Healthcare is Human Right; Coronavirus and African Americans, Attacks on Asian Americans, York City, Farmworkers, Climate Crisis; Paul Robeson; Immigration; Resources; and more....


How to Defend Workers Against Immigration Raids

Dan DiMaggio & Pioneer Valley Workers Center Staff In These Times
As the Trump administration cracks down on undocumented immigrants, it’s urgent for worker centers and unions to organize to defend immigrant members.

N.Y. Teamsters Form ‘Sanctuary Union’ to Fight ICE Agents

Ginger Adams Otis New York Daily News
Across Long Island and throughout the city, some 120,000 Teamsters are getting prepped to become a “sanctuary union.” In 27 shops, business agents, supervisors and front-line workers are getting schooled on their rights under U.S. law — and when and how to challenge federal immigration agents who show up to search their work sites. In fundamental labor terms, it follows one simple rule: Union solidarity first, immigration status second.

Socialists and Immigration

Duane Campbell Antiracismdsa
In spite of the economic boon for the wealthy, working people in the U.S. have yet to receive a significant improvement in their standard of living for over 30 years. At the same time, democratic forces are once again confronted with anti-immigrant campaigns. As socialists, we stand with and among the U.S. working class in opposition to the rule of the transnational corporations and their exploitation of the economy and despoliation of our lives, society and environment

May Day: A Day Without Immigrants - Strike! Hundreds Of Thousands Of Workers Will Strike May 1, Organizers Say

Cosecha; Cora Lewis Cosecha
For years our community has marched, voted, and gone through the courts. We've won some battles, but we're losing the war. Striking will show the public that this country cannot function without us and help us win protection, dignity and respect. Cosecha is organizing a series of strikes that will culminate in a week without immigrants. It all starts on May 1st. STRIKING REVEALS OUR TRUE POWER - MAY 1ST IS JUST THE BEGINNING.


Making the Invidious Border Wall Artful

Jeremy Harding London Review of Books
Attempting to make a silk purse out of a proverbial sow's ear, the author and the volume's contributors envision, either realistically or ironically, how building a wall on the U.S.- Mexican border could be artistically or environmentally pleasing, leaving aside ethical questions of migrants' rights or even how such a wall would be anything but a glaring insult to those living south of it.
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