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Friday Nite Videos | July 26, 2019

Trump Lies About Robert Mueller’s Testimony. Groove In G | Playing for Change. American Swamp | Four-Part Special Series. Student Debt in the U.S. Reaches an All-Time High. Opposition Leader Challenges Boris Johnson.

Opposition Leader Challenges Boris Johnson

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn gives a flaming response to new UK Prime Minister ("Britain's Trump") Boris Johnson, saying "no one underestimates this country," but it is "deeply worried that the new prime minister over-estimates himself."


Remembering the English Revolution

Daniel Johnson New Politics
A book not only for history buffs but for activists focuses on the Levellers in a history from the bottom-up that tells the story of a revolutionary mid-17th century British radical group that turned its world upside down.

Friday Nite Videos | March 29, 2019

All the Other Reasons Trump Is a Bad President. Seeds of Freedom | Manu Chao. Jacinda Ardern's Full Christchurch Speech. Brexit Teens: Coming of Age During Political Chaos. Movie | US.

Brexit Teens: Coming of Age During Political Chaos

Teens were too young to vote in the referendum that decided the fate of Britain, but will have to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives. Hear how teenagers from across Britain really feel about Brexit, in their own words.

Global Left Midweek - February 27, 2019

Uruguayan Unions Against Venezuela Invasion, Russian Left, Indigenous in French Guiana, Tribute to a Comrade, Kurds in Turkey, Greece Today, More on Haiti, Farmers Face Down India's Rulers
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