The people of Niger, facing a desperate situation, are threatened with the withdrawal of vital humanitarian aid from the country in response to the coup, a move tantamount to a punitive measure and essentially exploiting aid as leverage.
Russia should withdraw its troops, there should be a cease-fire, and negotiations. Writer David Bacon wrote this in response Michael Kazin's earlier piece, "Reject the Left Right Alliance Against Ukraine," after Finland's admission to NATO.
Geostrategically located, with profitable natural resources, the Arctic is rapidly becoming a militarized zone of power politics in the new cold war, contested by the US and Europe, Russia and China.
Long before Speaker Pelosi's plane touched down on, relations between China and the United States had been on a downward spiral. Isn’t it time to set aside the blame game and resume talks on measures that could reduce the risk of violent conflict?
Amid the furore following Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, US academic Zhu Zhiqun answers five questions on everyone's minds about the visit — Does the US Congress follow its own version of China policy? Why has Beijing responded so vehemently?
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But if the war does not end soon, its dangers will increase. Negotiations need to begin... “To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression,”... “To make none would be submitting to insanity.”
For the last two decades, the United States has been conducting an undeclared war across much of the globe. It has taken pains to normalize the use of drone warfare outside established war zones.
The US 20-year war and occupation in Afghanistan, waged to avenge the September 11 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people, has taken the lives of more than 71,000 Afghani and Pakistani civilians.
Founders, Leaders and Supporters of U.S. Labor Against the War
Solidarity InfoService
The people of the U.S., the Ukraine and Russia don't want a war. The demand for peace will only be heard if masses of people speak out now! The labor movement can play a pivotal role in preventing another murderous costly conflict.
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